At the end of a streaming online bible study class my pastor/mentor signed off to the students with “keep the faith.” He isn’t known to use Christian clichés or glib phrases so I thought there was more to that end of class than a simple closing. It struck me because I had recently been studying in 1 Thessalonians where Paul and his co-workers were suffering terrible afflictions. Paul, as overseer and who had taught the church in Thessalonica, was concerned about the faith of the Thessalonians while he was apart from them. Paul was concerned that the suffering he was going through could cause their faith to falter so he sent Timothy, a pastor and Paul’s son in the Lord, to check on the church in Thessalonica and report back to him what he found.

What Timothy found was a church that was standing firm; they had an unwavering faith. Timothy was able to deliver a good report to Paul. Of course, Paul was pleased to hear of their strong faith. But it goes deeper than that. Paul responded in his letter to the Thessalonians: “For now we really live, if you stand firm in the Lord.” (NASB) Other translations say: “For now we can go on living, as long as you continue to stand firm in the Lord.” (ISV) “Knowing that your faith is alive keeps us alive.” (The Message)

The symbiotic relationship between the spiritual leader (pastor/mentor/teacher) and the student is undeniable. The leader gives life to the student through the teaching, filling the student with the knowledge of God, and the student in turn, through standing firm in the faith gives life to the leader. This involves holding to the teaching we have received, spreading the teaching, walking in our individual and corporate callings, holding fast to our training and instruction in every way; letting our light shine in all those dark places we are called to and our arenas of influence we are to occupy. This is keeping the faith alive.

Due to the good report, Paul and his co-workers felt like they could keep going, pushing ahead; it gave them new life; they could even keep on living – staying alive! Imagine with all that Paul and his co-workers were going through, if their beloved Thessalonians had lost their faith and weren’t doing so well, how it could affect Paul and his co-laborers in the midst of incredible persecution and suffering; they were greatly afflicted. No matter what afflictions our leaders are going through as happens to those who are threats to the kingdom of darkness, and I know that is the case with my spiritual leaders, it encourages them that their charges are standing firm in the faith. It helps them keep going, it helps them stay alive! As my pastor/mentor said at the end of that class, keep the faith! So stand!